Simple Brain Exercises for Your Kids … and You


We Mums often worry if our children will be okay in the classroom and will be able to learn and understand what the teacher is teaching them.

I would like to introduce you to brain exercises which are helpful in maintaining optimum brain function and especially to get your child’s brain ready for learning. At some schools these brain exercises are used in classrooms each morning.

Our brain is just like any other muscle in our body, it needs to be exercised and looked after to function at its optimum level.

These simple brain exercises are called ‘Brain Gym’.

Over the next few articles I would like to introduce you to some simple exercises that you can start to implement in your home today!

The Cross Crawl

cross-crawlThe first one is called The Cross Crawl. It is a movement similar to that of marching on the spot, with both arms and legs moving at the same time (see image).

The Cross Crawl improves the communication between the left and right side of the brain (logic and gestalt areas). It is great for whole body co-ordination and spatial awareness. Increased learning capabilities as it may also enhance spelling, writing, listening, reading and comprehension.

During this exercise you march on the spot. Using the opposite arm and leg to cross over the midline (center of our body – straight line from nose down the body) and touch the opposite arm or leg.

If your child is having difficulty with this one, then place a yellow sticker on their right hand and left knee and a red sticker on their left hand and right knee. Ask your child to match up the red sticker with the other red sticker and vice versa, this will make it a more visual exercise and allow your child to achieve. Once they are marching easily, then remove the stickers and your child will be able to start The Cross Crawl unaided. Continue marching for 1-2 minutes.

This is also great for adults, so practice it with your children every day!

Written By Debbie Rossi

Speaker, author of Beyond the Schoolyard and owner of a successful Kinesiology business, Debbie Rossi is passionate about helping other families to not go through the bullying which she experienced as a child. It is all about creating happy, secure and confident Mums and children.

You can find out more at



About Author

School Mum

Being a mum to 3 kids (one of them full time at home with me) and trying to juggle everything became pretty crazy.