Why We Care About Red Nose Day



Did you know that 8 babies die each day in Australia due to health complications at birth, stillbirth and SIDS?

SIDS2Friday 26 June 2015 is Red Nose Day nationally.  It is the major fundraiser each year for SIDS and Kids.

SIDS and Kids are dedicated to saving the lives of babies and children through the wonderful education, research and community awareness programs they provide throughout Australia.  SIDS and Kids also do an amazing job at supporting bereaved families. They have literally helped thousands of Australians through the unimaginable grief of the death of a baby or child.

You can get involved by purchasing a Red Nose, any Red Nose Day product, making a donation or hosting/attending a fundraising event.

If you would like more information on Red Nose Day and the events happening in your State, please visit www.rednoseday.com.au.



About Author

Crafty Mum

Hi ... I love posting easy and engaging craft and fun activities that enrich our families. Melissa has 3 children and works with School Mum part-time.

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