So What Is The Big Deal If My Kid Is Not Getting Enough Iron?


This Post is Sponsored By Nuffnang and Fab Iron

My first daughter has never been much of a meat eater.  She has always opted for salad or some fruit and we have often found ourselves conflicting once again, over the dinner table about eating her meat.

My main concern with her lack of meat eating is whether she is getting enough iron or not.

Did you know that iron is a nutrient that’s essential to your child’s growth and development? We need iron because it helps move oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body and helps muscles store and use oxygen.  If your child’s diet lacks iron this may impact them in a number of ways.

Some of my main worries with my daughter was her becoming tired easily and finding it hard to concentrate in class.  She is 7 years old, but I am also aware that many teenage girls are at risk of iron deficiency due to their periods.  Even if their periods are normal (heavy periods can make it even worse) and their diets don’t contain enough iron to offset the loss of iron-containing RBCs during their menstrual cycle, it can have a big impact.

Iron is also needed to produce myoglobin, which carries oxygen to our muscles, which in turn affects kids energy levels, protects them against illness and disease, and promotes healthy skin.

Iron deficiency can also affect a child’s growth, which can lead to learning and behavioural problems. A number of other symptoms often noticed in children with iron deficiencies include:

  • fatigue and weakness
  • pale skin and mucous membranes
  • rapid heartbeat or a new heart murmur (detected in an exam by a doctor)
  • irritability
  • decreased appetite
  • dizziness or a feeling of being lightheaded
  • pica – cravings to eat substances such as chalk, paint chips or dirt

If your child’s iron level is low, look at their diet first. Then if you find that is not working or you can’t get your child to eat enough iron rich food, then it can be a good idea to try organic iron supplements and we recommend Fab Iron.

Some Iron Rich Foods Include:

  • red meat
  • dark poultry
  • tuna
  • salmon
  • eggs
  • tofu
  • enriched grains
  • dried beans and peas
  • dried fruits
  • leafy green vegetables
  • blackstrap molasses
  • iron-fortified breakfast cereals

If dieting is not enough for your child or you are finding their picky or fussy eating too challenging, then you should check out Fab Iron.


FAB IRON is specifically formulated to gently assist children when they aren’t getting enough iron in their diet.   It is great, as it does not have that “iron taste” normally associated with iron supplements. It contains an organic form of iron that’s gentle on their stomach, and has a natural fruity flavour from a blend of apple, beetroot and cherry juices.  It is preservative free and suitable for children from 2 years.


If you do suspect your child might be deficient in iron we would recommend the first step to take is chat about it with your doctor or health professional.



About Author

School Mum

Being a mum to 3 kids (one of them full time at home with me) and trying to juggle everything became pretty crazy.

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