Harmony Day Ideas and FREE Activities


This Friday the 21st March we celebrate Australia’s cultural diversity with Harmony Day.

harmony dayIt is about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone. My daughter is the best example of this I know.

My kids are better at this than me. But I feel I’m better at this than my parents. So my point is, it is working and the next generation is showing maturity and unity around this issue beyond their years.

Harmony Day has been celebrated in Australia for 15 years and highlights the benefits and potential that cultural diversity brings.

With the theme of the day being “orange”, it is time to crack out any orange you have in the house.


Here are a few ideas of fun things to do to celebrate and show your support:

  1. Wear an orange ribbon in your hair or pin a ribbon on your school uniform.
  2. Colour in this picture together as a family (template here).
  3. More colouring pages here
  4. Pack something orange in your kids lunchboxes with a HAPPY HARMONY DAY note
  5. Make a paper doll chain and hang it in your house – Download the activity sheet here
  6. Toast to Harmony Day over dinner with some orange soft-drink.

You can visit the Harmony Day website www.harmony.gov.au for many different ideas, print outs and support material.

Happy Harmony Day to all our wonderful SchoolMums!



About Author

School Mum

Being a mum to 3 kids (one of them full time at home with me) and trying to juggle everything became pretty crazy.

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