Paper Straw Necklace


This is a great craft for all ages with a healthy dose of fine motor skills practice thrown in.

It is simple, low mess and best of all, they can wear it at the end. Kids love wearing their own creations!

You will need:
3 paper straws


Step One
Cut the straws into various lengths (I tend to get 5 straw beads from each straw)


Step Two
Thread the string through one straw and then tie a knot around it. This straw will act as the stopper while you are completing the necklace.


Tip: you may want to wrap some sticky tape around the end of your string (so it looks like the end of a shoelace) to help thread it through.

Step Three
Once you have threaded your necklace tie it off at the end.


I love making these and so do my kids. The colour combinations are endless. They would be great to do as an activity during a birthday party or you could make green & red ones and give them to classmates at Christmas time.





About Author

Crafty Mum

Hi ... I love posting easy and engaging craft and fun activities that enrich our families. Melissa has 3 children and works with School Mum part-time.

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