This post was contributed by The Christmas Cart
There is nothing quite like the sight of Christmas stocking hanging on a mantlepiece to add a festive feeling to a home. However, these days with central heating and modern interiors, not every home has a mantelpiece, particularly in warmer clients like Australia. To help us solve this Christmas décor dilemma we turned to our friends at The Christmas Cart to suggest some easy and creative ways you can hang your Christmas stockings so you and your family don’t miss out on enjoying the tradition and excitement of hanging Christmas stockings ready for Santa to fill on Christmas Eve!
AND, to help kick off your Christmas decorating, The Christmas Cart have given us a code to share with you so you can get $10 off your first order* – that’s right $10 off! Just enter SCHOOLMUMS2019 in the Discount Code box as you’re checking out!

Easy Stocking Hangers
The first option is to use Christmas Stocking Hangers. If you don’t currently have any Christmas Stocking Hangers, they could be the perfect addition to your Christmas décor kit this year. They can easily be used in so many parts of your home.
You can select Stocking hangers designed to compliment your existing Christmas decor adorned with beautiful Christmas ornaments, or perhaps a plain understated look in more to your taste. In fact, you can create your very own stocking hanger design by topping a plain stocking hanger with a pretty Christmas ornament
Stocking hangers can be used in many places around the home like a window sill, side table, buffet, even on the top of a kitchen hutch! You can incorporate them into your existing décor by placing them on shelves, perhaps beside precious family photos, on a console table, buffet or on a wooden box. The possibilities are endless!
Styling with Ladders

Attaching stockings to the ladder rungs is easy! Weave a piece of string or ribbon through the stocking loop and cut to desired length. Then style the ladder with other Christmas décor like garlands and plaques. You can lean your ladders just about anywhere in your home to add that pop of Christmas without having to re-arrange your home.
Adorn the walls

Our third suggestion about how you can hang your Christmas stockings when you don’t have a mantlepiece is to look for the perfect wall in your home to add a festive garland and incorporate your stockings as part of the garland.
Feature walls which already interesting because they are painted, tiled or panelled are perfect, as is a wall with a floating shelf or picture shelf. Using removable adhesive hooks you can fix your garland and stockings to the wall, add some fairy seed lights, perhaps a Christmas Poster or Personalised Plaque and voila, instant mock mantlepiece!
Classic Staircase

Finally, if you are lucky enough to have a staircase in your home, take the opportunity to style it up with by combining garlands, baubles
You can fix your stockings to the bannister by looping a piece of garland through the tab of the stocking or you can tie with a piece of hidden or even decorative ribbon, Whatever you do, your decorated staircase is sure to become one of the favourite areas of your home this Christmas.
We hope this taste of Christmas decorating inspiration has got your creative senses tingling. Christmas is coming and it’s never too early to start decorating for the festive season so pick a project (or two, or three!) and bring the spirit of Christmas to your home.
The Christmas Cart would love to see how you style your home for Christmas, so be sure to tag them on Instaor Facebookand follow them too and share the countdown to Christmas!
AND, don’t forget to visit The Christmas Cartand use the Discount Code SCHOOLMUMS2019 to receive $10 off your first order* and explore the range of Christmas gifts, décor and craft supplies to suit almost any Christmas theme or style.
*$10 off your order. Valid 1/11/19 to 15/12/2019. Does not include Shipping