Make A Bright Button Bracelet


buttons heidi 2Do you have a jar of buttons at home? Here is an inexpensive and wearable craft you can do with your kids that involves a good dose of fine motor skills practice as well. The bracelets are fun and easy to make and now is the perfect time to design and create your original piece in the lead up to Summer.


You will need:
A piece of thin elastic (approx. 15cm long)


Step One
Thread the elastic through one button and fasten to form a stopper – as shown below.

button stopper

Step Two
Continue to thread the buttons on going through 2 holes on each button so the bracelet sits flat on your wrist.
You can also layer your buttons so one sits on top of the other – as shown here.

button layering

You can make your bracelet multi-coloured or all one colour – whatever you prefer.

buttons green

Step Three
Once you have threaded the buttons on tie it off at the end and enjoy wearing your original creation!

buttons heidi




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