I have been meaning to make this little activity for my kidlets for some time as I remember the first time I saw it I thought it was the best idea ever!!
Marbles we have but a pool noodle with a hollow center was what I was after. Yesterday afternoon I just so happened to be in a cheap shop and walked past a box of pool noodles and to my delight they had a hole in the center so marble race tracks were on the agenda yesterday afternoon.
It was SOOO much fun Miss 3 could not get enough. She didn’t want to watch TV, have a bath or eat her dinner (not ideal but super cute) because she couldn’t get enough. First thing this morning she was up in a flash joining noodles together and making pathways for the marbles that led into her cooking pots and pans. I loved all of her ideas.
So this is what you need to make your own marble race tracks:
1 x pool noodle with a hole in the center (cut in half)
1 x bag of medium sized marbles
In total this activity cost me $6 and the kids have been playing and playing with it to date. Miss 3 even took it to pre-prep today for her show and tell.
If you give it a go I hope you have as much fun as we did 🙂
Post by School Mum aka Sam Shazzam!!