50 Ways to Combat “I’m Bored” These Holidays (With Printable)


It may or may not have happened yet…but at some stage during the holidays you will be hit with the I’m bored comment from the kids!

It’s infuriating, isn’t it? They have all those toys, games and stuff to keep them occupied, and yet… here they are. Asking the lady scrubbing the floors (metaphorically) what to do for fun.

Next time the kids try on a case of the I’m-boreds, hit them with this list. There are 50 suggestions of things the kids could do instead of moping around insisting there is nothing to do. And that’s 50 things they could be doing instead of screens too.

We have made this into a printable so you can keep it handy, either on the fridge or noticeboard at your house and you can direct the kids to it when they say I’m bored!

I'm bored - what to do instead of say the dreaded I'm bored

50 things to do instead of say I’m bored

Here we go (in no particular order)…

1. Make a mini town with lego

2. Run under the sprinkler

3. Set up an obstacle course in the backyard

4. Draw

5. Go swimming

6. Play a board game (suggestions here)

What to do when the kids say I'm bored - board games

7. Make up a dance (this is one of my daughter’s favourites!)

8. Visit friends

9. Go to the park

10. Go plane spotting (details here)

11. Go to the waterfront and share some hot chips

12. Visit the library

13. Lie in the backyard and cloud watch

14. Be a bowerbird and see how many interesting things you can collect outdoors (feathers, patterned leaves, shells, shiny rocks etc.)

15. Set up a craft station – lots of paper, glue, pens etc.

16. Make a fairy garden

17. Start a holiday journal

18. Make a short movie (write, direct and star in their own movie)

19. Go for a bike ride

20. Do a jigsaw puzzle

What to do when the kids say I'm bored - jigsaw

21. Write postcards to friends

22. Do a giant colouring in (details here)

23. Paint

24. Bake something

25. Make a treasure box for all your precious things

26. Do a chalk drawing on the driveway or footpath

27. Build a cubby under the dining room table

28. Blow bubbles

29. Fly a kite

30. Read a book

What to do when the kids say I'm bored - read a book

31. Watch a movie

32. Listen to music

33. Phone a friend or grandparent for a chat

34. Paint your fingernails

35. Learn a magic trick

36. Skip

37. Play at a friend’s house

38. Jump on the trampoline

39. Hide something and then make a treasure map for someone to find it

40. Make a magic potion

41. Scooter

What to do when the kids say I'm bored - ride a scooter

42. Make a friendship bracelet

43. Make a paper chain and decorate your room

44. Learn a simple origami

45. Blow up a balloon and time how long you can keep it up in the air for

46. Play with playdough

47. Dress up as your favourite character

48. Cut out pictures from magazines and make a collage of your favourites

49. Hula hoop and time how long you can go for

50. Set up the tent in the backyard for a sleep out

Printable: 50 ways to combat I’m bored

You can download our free printable here – 50 Suggestions To Combat “I’m Bored”!

Happy Holidays!

What do you do when the kids say I’m bored?



About Author

Crafty Mum

Hi ... I love posting easy and engaging craft and fun activities that enrich our families. Melissa has 3 children and works with School Mum part-time.

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