Celebrating the Men and Boys in our Lives with Men’s Health Week 2015


This week is Men’s Health Week – a chance to celebrate the boys and men in our lives! It may be your son, husband, brother, father or nephew.

As a mother of 2 fun-loving, active boys, I have a vested interest in improving the health and wellbeing of men and boys in Australia.

Men’s Health Week gives us an opportunity to celebrate the good things that boys and men bring to our society as well as raise awareness of the health and wellbeing issues they face.

Men and women have different health needs. They are affected differently by various diseases and illnesses, and they access services in different patterns and for different reasons. The key message that stuck out to me whilst researching MHW is Prevention is the Priority.

Many health conditions (including mental health) can be prevented or detected early with regular check ups. Regular screenings may include blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose, prostate check, skin check and more. So encourage the men in your life to make their health a priority and avoid preventable health problems.


If you are wanting to get involved in an event to support Men’s Health Week or want further information just click here www.menshealthweek.org.au

Healthy and well balanced boys and men = happy families and in turn, communities.

I love my boys beyond words and want them to be free to become the best version of themselves. I celebrate their differences daily, but I’m especially celebrating them this week!




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