Why Should Kids Have All The Fun?
Introducing the new Crisp Big Scooter for adults. That’s right, for adults! Kids have been…

Lunch Box Treats For a Time Poor Mum
Our lunchboxes can get very repetitive. We can get stuck in the lunchbox rut. The…

Tips for Keeping Kids Safe Online
In today’s society it is very difficult to keep kids off the internet. Online activity…

Top 5 Boy’s Birthday Party Themes
Having a party theme isn’t just for AR/OCD people like me. It really does make…

Dealing with Kid’s Food Allergies at School
While many of us are thinking about books, bags, shoes and uniforms, there are parents…

Making Volunteering Work For You
Volunteering for your child’s school provides a number of benefits and can be done in…

How to Make a Flower Sandwich
It can be a fun little treat every now and then to make some sandwich…

5 Tips for Planning a Simple Stress Free Party
Admittedly, my own kids parties are a production (even though they only care about the…

Changing Perspective Really Does Help
Have you ever had that feeling when you are so busy with your child that…

5 Reasons It’s Good (FOR YOUR CHILD) to Volunteer At Their School
Further to the last post in this series on the benefits that volunteering at your child’s school…

10 Tips for Surviving Teenage Daughters
Here is a list of 10 helpful tips for surviving the teenage years with daughters!! 1.…

I’ll Have What She’s Having
This morning hubby and I decided to take our kidlets out on a morning family…

5 Reasons It’s Good (FOR YOU) to Volunteer At Your Child’s School
I had always dreamed of being involved at my child’s school when they attended, however…

Mother Guilt – I Don’t Read to My Kids Everyday
I have a confession to make!! I don’t read to my kids everyday or at…
About School Mum
There are thousands of experts who claim to know the best thing you should be doing for your child but depending on who you’re listening to and what you’re reading it can differ from one extreme to the next.
This website is not about experts it is about stories. Stories of school mums and their experiences working out school life, their child’s development and all the crazy busyness that comes with that.
Come and read stories, share your experiences and join us on the journey of SCHOOL MUM!!