Three Things Parents Can Do To Raise Happy And Successful Kids
A parent’s greatest worry is that they are doing a good job and raising happy…

Do You Want Your Kids To Turn Out More Than Just Alright?
“I turned out alright” is something that is usually said in conjunction with that old…

Is Your Work Impacting On Your Child’s Mental Health?
Many working parents face the conundrum of finding that elusive work-life balance. After all, raising…

Helping Your Child Navigate Cliques And Friendship Groups
Friendships are a core part of a child’s existence and contribute to their self esteem.…

We Loved this Awesome Family Holiday Park We Only Just Discovered
This post was not sponsored however we were gifted 4 nights accommodation to experience the…

What Does ParentsNext Mean For You?
A federal government initiative, ParentsNext is a support program targeted at those receiving a parenting…

CLOSED: Score 1 of 10 Family Passes to How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden Treasure
If you are anything like our family you will be super excited about the latest…

A Parent’s Guide To Bites And Stings
The warmer weather brings with it the joy of being outside more in the backyard,…

If You Use Timeouts With Your Child You Need To Read This
Timeouts have long held a place in the modern parent’s toolkit as an acceptable alternative…

How To Get Back To The True Spirit Of Christmas
Many people are becoming increasingly disheartened by the commercialisation of Christmas. A lot of traditions…

Should You Be Worried About Warts?
Warts have a long held stigma thanks to fairytales about witches and old wives tales…

I Am Giving Away This Entire Christmas Haul To One Lucky Reader
This post is sponsored by the Brisbane Airport Christmas shopping is not something I have…

Do Your Kids Think Your Phone Is More Important To You Than Them?
Waiting for the library to open I watched a mum repeatedly brush off her whinging…

Santa Photos: Should You Or Shouldn’t You?
‘Tis nearly the festive season and Santa’s are already springing up in shopping centres everywhere.…
About School Mum
There are thousands of experts who claim to know the best thing you should be doing for your child but depending on who you’re listening to and what you’re reading it can differ from one extreme to the next.
This website is not about experts it is about stories. Stories of school mums and their experiences working out school life, their child’s development and all the crazy busyness that comes with that.
Come and read stories, share your experiences and join us on the journey of SCHOOL MUM!!