Giraffe….Peg Craft
Who doesn’t love a Giraffe? My daughter’s home reader the other day was all about…

PAN Movie Review PLUS Family Passes To Give Away
On Sunday the kids & I had the opportunity to see the Premiere of…

How To Age Gracefully
None of us are getting any younger but hopefully were getting wiser. What would you…

How To Pimp Your Old Hula Hoop Tutorial
This Post is Sponsored By Scotch Expressions Tape If you have a tired old hula…

We Would Love Your Feedback PLUS You Get The Chance To Score a Voucher to Little Bento World
Hello lovelies … thanks so much for taking the time to click through to this.…

Are You Angry More Than You Would Like?
Anger is a normal emotion that everyone feels at times, but sometimes it can be…

Score Your Own ENJO Bathroom Bundle Pack
Enter below to win your very own ENJO Bathroom Bundle Pack valued at $249. Win…

A Family Guide To The Gold Coast
This post was originally written and posted on the Expedia Blog here … Having grown…

Amazing Story of A Pet Dog Who Saves A 2 Year Old Boy
This family is a friend of a friend of mine and I haven’t been able to get…

Win this My Cubby Cottage For Your Backyard
My Cubby have also just launched their latest cubby design which is SUPER CUTE. If…

25 Ways To Show Your Kids You LOVE them
It’s easy to fall into the routine of everyday life and forget to tell those…

6 Things Lurking in Your Bathroom That You Need To Be Aware Of
This post is Sponsored By ENJO Bathrooms are one of those places that tend to…

So What’s The Big Deal With A My Cubby Cubby
I was given a My Cubby fort to test out for this post but was…

Simple Weet-Bix (and chocolate) Slice
This is a cracking recipe to make with the kids because its FUN +…
About School Mum
There are thousands of experts who claim to know the best thing you should be doing for your child but depending on who you’re listening to and what you’re reading it can differ from one extreme to the next.
This website is not about experts it is about stories. Stories of school mums and their experiences working out school life, their child’s development and all the crazy busyness that comes with that.
Come and read stories, share your experiences and join us on the journey of SCHOOL MUM!!