7 NO BAKE Party Food Ideas
It’s often a mad rush getting the party food together. Here are 7 no bake…

How Understanding the 5 Love Languages Changed My Relationship With My Husband and Children Forever
You know when you go out of your way to do something for your…

20 Book Week Costume Ideas PLUS CostumeBox Giveaway
Book Week this year is from 22 to 28 August. It’s time to start thinking about…

School Mum Recipe Book
This month we are putting together a School Mum recipe book based on your awesome…

How to Cut Boy’s Hair
Many people have a professional cut their children’s hair and that is awesome if you…

13 Brilliant Father’s Day Gift Ideas
So I recently stumbled across the website Atticus Fox and spent way too many hours of…

Should You Get Guinea Pigs?
As a kid it seemed like everyone had a pet except me. We were away…

3 Rules for This Family
The other day I was sorting out my photos which are an ever expanding mass…

Do We Limit Girls?
I loved the first #LikeAGirl clip and so I checked this one out too. Do…

9 Amazing Walls Decals For Your Kid’s Room
I do love a wall decal. They are so simple yet so effective. You can…

Paper Straw Necklace
This is a great craft for all ages with a healthy dose of fine motor…

What Did Mick Fanning Do with His 60 Minutes Fee? …. Legend!
Mick Fanning has reportedly donated all of his $75 000 appearance fee from 60 Minutes…

Talking With Children About Separation and Divorce
Parental separation and divorce is increasingly common and inevitably impacts on all family members. Children,…

Kids Sport: Should We Boo People Ever?
This week there has been a lot of discussion about some big issues in Australia…
About School Mum
There are thousands of experts who claim to know the best thing you should be doing for your child but depending on who you’re listening to and what you’re reading it can differ from one extreme to the next.
This website is not about experts it is about stories. Stories of school mums and their experiences working out school life, their child’s development and all the crazy busyness that comes with that.
Come and read stories, share your experiences and join us on the journey of SCHOOL MUM!!