3 Great Camping Spots Close to Brisbane
Of course it depends what you mean by camping but for this story we will…

Super Easy Origami Dog Craft (from things you’ll already have at home)
In support of the national Million Paws Walk this weekend we thought we would do…

It’s Your life … It’s Your Call?
One day a few years ago I realised that this was it! This was my…

This Boy’s Reaction to a New baby is Priceless
This child’s response to hearing about his mother being pregnant is priceless … such a…

The Million Paws Walk – Details for 2015
The national RSPCA Million Paws Walk is on this Sunday 17 May 2015. Join the…

Easy Muesli Recipe You Can Make With Your Kids
Below is a great recipe your family will love and the kids can help make.…

Mysteries of the Adolescent Brain
I think we have all wondered about this from time to time and mums of…

So What Is The Big Deal If My Kid Is Not Getting Enough Iron?
This Post is Sponsored By Nuffnang and Fab Iron My first daughter has never been…

9 Things To Keep In Mind When Talking To Your Kids About Naplan
From School Mums and Dads who have been there and done that here are 9 things…

Win a 12 month ABC Reading Eggs and ABC Mathseeds subscription + MORE
Enter below for you chance to win a 12 month subscription to ABC Reaching Eggs…

Exclusive Sneak Peak On Amazing Deals
* Brought to you by Nuffnang and OZSALE Being online as much as I am…

What Mothers Really Want for Mother’s Day
I asked on the School Mum facebook page a little earlier this week what your…

7 Reasons Why Walking Your Kids To School Is A Great Idea
As a kid I walked to school from the age of five and although I…

Win 5 Night’s Accommodation To Paradise Resort
We have joined with some other great pages to give away 5 night’s accommodation to…
About School Mum
There are thousands of experts who claim to know the best thing you should be doing for your child but depending on who you’re listening to and what you’re reading it can differ from one extreme to the next.
This website is not about experts it is about stories. Stories of school mums and their experiences working out school life, their child’s development and all the crazy busyness that comes with that.
Come and read stories, share your experiences and join us on the journey of SCHOOL MUM!!