They Are Watching AND Learning …
Have you ever realized that your children pick up on your mood? I am a…

Christmas Tree Loom Charm
Miss 7 is quite the loomer in our household and she loves looming first thing…

Grandparents, Kids and Gifts: How Much is Too Much?
We hear all the time about grandparents wanting to spoil their grandchildren. In fact, we…

One Thing My Mum Did That Mattered A Whole Lot
This post is sponsored by Nuffnang and Milo When I reflect back on my schooling…

Inhaling Helium Kills 20 Aussies Each Year
If we haven’t done it, we’ve all seen a friend inhale the gas from a…

Karl Wears the Same Suit for a Year
To highlight the sexism shown by audience members in judging news presenters, Karl Stephanovic has…

School Mum’s Quick and Healthyish Chocolate Cake Recipe
Cake Ingredients: 1 1/4 Cups of Self Raising Flour 1 Cup Rice Malt Syrup (you…

Woman dials 911 for Pizza to Save Herself from Domestic Violence
Brave and fast thinking. Thank heavens the operator was switched on. This amazing story emerged…

How to Stop Videos Auto-playing in Facebook Timeline
It can be so annoying especially on wireless broadband … but you can stop those…

36 Family Bucket-list Ideas You Have To Do
We have a dog walker. Not because I’m lazy (well maybe I am a little)…

Eat Healthy to Be Happy
If you change your diet to include more fruits and vegetables, you can expect a…

How Babies Are Made
Ahhh … so that’s how it happens

Muppets Most Wanted Review
I wasn’t sure about this film before seeing it, because it didn’t do as well…

6 Worse Case Scenarios If You DON’T Have A Will
To be honest the idea of having to make a Will freaks me out. It’s…
About School Mum
There are thousands of experts who claim to know the best thing you should be doing for your child but depending on who you’re listening to and what you’re reading it can differ from one extreme to the next.
This website is not about experts it is about stories. Stories of school mums and their experiences working out school life, their child’s development and all the crazy busyness that comes with that.
Come and read stories, share your experiences and join us on the journey of SCHOOL MUM!!