In our busy lives, most of us on an average day aren’t thinking about the types of traditions our families enjoy, or the things that are being passed down to new generations.
Instead we are often focused on getting the kids to school on time, meeting a work deadline, what to cook for dinner, and what extra curricular activities are on that day..
BUT family traditions are important and better still they are custom made and unique to YOUR family.
Having a family tradition to share brings your family closer, contributes to your sense of well being, promotes creativity and creates lasting memories.
It is important to keep any existing traditions your family might have alive. It is equally necessary (and fun!) to begin new traditions that your family will enjoy and be able to pass down for generations to come.
Here are some examples of things to try:
- Over the dinner table everyone takes turns sharing something positive and negative that has happened to them during the day. We call this ‘thumbs up and thumbs down’.
- If your child receives a special award at school – go out for an ice-cream to celebrate.
- Lots of families have special weekend breakfast traditions. Whether it be pancakes, bacon & eggs or sausages on the bbq. Leisurely weekend mornings give the family a chance to unwind from the week and enjoy each other’s company.
- Games Night – Monopoly? Pictionary? Bingo? Memory? Boggle? Yes! This can be fun for everyone in the family and can be done on any night of the week.
- Go for a family walk once a week.
Walks are a great time to get some fresh air and digest the week’s events.
- Make it a tradition to record the height of your kids on their birthdays each year. Many families have a door-frame where they keep rough pencil lines of the height of their kiddos as they age.
- Movie night. Let the kids take it in turns to pick the movie. You can include some yummy snacks too!
- Go night driving. Kids love to be out at night and see all the different lights; as well as the moon and
- Christmas, Birthdays, Easter, are the epitome of family tradition making! So why not get crafty and spend this time making your home come alive, or making gifts together? After all, people tend to remember the festivities of these special times long after the presents.
- Let your kids pick their favourite dinner on their birthday.
- In the summer months, have dinner in a park once a fortnight. It can be as simple as sausages in bread.
On beach holidays, collect shells together and have a special jar you put them in at home. Over a few years your collection will grow and it will be a beautiful reminder of times spent together.
Family traditions don’t have to cost a lot. BUT you do need to get a bit creative and do what suits your family.
Most of all, have fun!