Humans Save a Great White Shark Who Was Stranded


A great story this morning of a Great White Shark that became stranded on an American beach only to be kept alive and helped back into the water safely.

Locals discovered the shark on a beach in Chatham, Massachusetts on Monday. It had been stranded when it chased a bird just a little too far.

“There was no way for the shark to get to where it could swim, so it just kept flapping and moving over,” witness Kelly Skanell told WCVB.

Eventually the 7-foot male shark was kept wet until rescuers could arrive and carefully move the shark back into the water for release. Some of the images are pretty cool … yay people!


**Minor language warning



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School Mum

Being a mum to 3 kids (one of them full time at home with me) and trying to juggle everything became pretty crazy.

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