Getting Organised In the Mornings


National Bike to School DayI don’t know about you but whenever ours morning involve rushing, stress and yelling I often find myself driving away after drop off with an awful sickly guilty feeling in the bottom of my stomach.

“Hurry up!” “we are gonna be late” “can you move any slower!?”  Does any of this sound familiar? Is this a typical morning in your home? Organization has gone out the window once again and the stress level has just hit the max for the day? Good news … it doesn’t have to be this way your mornings can be pleasant with just a few tweaks.

1. Any of the tasks that can be done the night before, try to get them done. You can either make your lunches the night before or if you prefer to make them fresh have the lunch bags and containers ready to go.  Also any sports equipment, notes, library books etc that you need for the next day get them sorted the night before and ready to go out the door. Have your clothes ready, and if possible even take showers in the evenings. This can make transition time so much easier in the morning, maybe evening allowing for a little family bonding.

2. Have the children join in on the preparations for the weekday. Have them get as much ready as possible, get them into a routine. Once a routine is set in place after a bit, things will fall into place.

3. Use a timer. Give your children a set amount of time from when you wake them to the time you want them at the table ready to have their breakfast. If they are not there in time, maybe have a consequence.

4. Check list. Have a chart or check list that you and your child need to do for the preparations both the night before and in the mornings.

5. Reward system. If your children are ready to go out the door in plenty of time they can have free time to watch TV or play a video game or whatever you feel would be appropriate.

Mornings don’t have to be stressful, they can run smoothly and be a time to enjoy each other’s company. No more mornings filled with stress and hassles.

Written By School Mum



About Author

School Mum

Being a mum to 3 kids (one of them full time at home with me) and trying to juggle everything became pretty crazy.

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