This One Simple Thing Can Improve Your Relationships Remarkably


There is no time of year when an attitude of gratitude is more important than the holiday season.

Being thankful for the gifts and, most importantly, the people in our lives not only enhances our own sense of wellbeing but also improve our relationships.

We can often get so absorbed in the presents we have to buy for them and the food we have to serve them, that we often forget why we are fortunate to have these people in our lives in the first place.

And not just spousal relationships, but family and friends, too.

It is so important to show appreciation for the people who are there for us throughout the year. Who celebrate our victories and commiserate our misfortunes. Those who provide us with support and help shape who we we are.

Our heartfelt thanks is the most important and meaningful thing we can give to the special people in our lives. Especially if relationships haven’t been on the best terms or are strained for some reason.

Research shows that demonstrating your appreciation for people has positive effects for the wellbeing of not just the person receiving, but also for the person who is expressing gratitude.

Showing your appreciation for people builds their self-esteem, boosts their sense of purpose and spirit and also does these things for you as well!

A habit of expressing gratitude will also be reflected in the way the other see you.

Simple ways you can express your appreciation for someone include:
  • Send a card, note or even a text telling them you are grateful for their presence in your life.
  • Tell them over a drink or on the phone about what makes them important to you and what attributes make them special.
  • Share a poem, story or meme with them that expresses how you feel.

Remember to be sincere in your thanks and compliments.



About Author

Renee Meier

Renée is a freelance writer, perpetual student and aspiring novelist. In her spare time she's the sole parent to 3 rambunctious little people. She survives predominantly on coffee and squishy hugs.

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